Process for Gaining Access to Medical Records of the Deceased 23/11/2023

We are pleased to advertise an upcoming session with Barry Jackson, Head of Information Governance (NHS), on the process for Gaining Access to a Deceased Person’s Medical Record.

The legal aspects of this are set out in the Access To Health Records Act 1990.  However, the actual process followed by the NHS and GP Practices changed significantly last August and this briefing is aimed to update you on those changes.

Barry Jackson has worked in the NHS for over 20 years and is the Data Protection Officer for the majority of local GP Practices.

The session will take place at our seminar room at 12.30pm, 23 November 2023. (Length: approx 30 mins)

It is free for members to attend; £25 plus VAT for non-members.

Please email HILS to confirm your booking.